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Faculty and Staff

Beadle Volunteers

Beadles play a vital role in ensuring that Convocation runs smoothly. Beadles manage the procession of the graduating class. They guide students to their seats, direct graduates to the stage to receive their diplomas, and help them to exit at the end of the program. Beadles also help students who arrive late, and they assist students with accessibility concerns and issues. The role is open to both faculty and staff and training is provided.

Spring Convocation will be held Monday, June 16 to Friday June 20, 2025. The schedule of ceremonies is available on the Ceremony Information page.

If you are interested in becoming a Beadle, please register by completing the online form below.

Each ceremony will require the assistance of 5 – 6 Beadles, so we are encouraging members of the Carleton community to volunteer for several shifts, if possible.

If you have any questions, please contact Kathy McKinley, Assistant University Secretary.

Registration Form

Please ensure you complete all mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*).
  • Please enter your Carleton email address
  • Please enter the name of the department or faculty where you work.
  • Please enter the name of your role or job title.
  • Volunteer Dates and Times

    Please choose the ceremony (or ceremonies) you wish to volunteer for.
    You will be provided with a gown and a red sash, which will identify you as a Beadle. Please indicate your size for the gown above.
  • If you would like to provide any additional information on your availability and/or preference for volunteer times please use this comments box.