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Honorary Degree Recipients

Carleton University will be awarding five honorary doctorates to members of the wider Carleton community during Convocation in June 2024.

For a list of past honorary degree recipients, please visit the Senate website.

JP Gladu, BScF, MBA, ICD

Portrait of JP GladuJP Gladu will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, at the 9 a.m. ceremony on Monday, June 17, in recognition of his outstanding contribution as a champion of change who has promoted a renaissance of Indigenous business in Canada, built key bridges with the non-Indigenous Canadian and international business communities, and fostered awareness and change in support of economic reconciliation.

Gladu is currently Principal of Mokwateh, and previously served as the President and CEO of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) from September 2012 until April 2020. He is Anishinaabe and resides in his community of Sand Point First Nation located on Lake Nipigon, Ontario.

Gladu has over 30 years of experience in the natural resource sector. His career path includes work with Indigenous communities and organizations, environmental non-government organizations, industry and governments from across Canada and the globe.

Currently, Gladu serves on the boards of Suncor, the Institute for Corporate Directors, Broden Mining, First Nations Major Projects Coalition Advisory Centre, and is the Chair of Canada’s Forest Trust as well BHP’s Forum for Corporate Responsibility committee. He previously served on the Board of Ontario Power Generation, Noront Resources and is the past Chair of the Mikisew Group of Companies.

He is a senior fellow with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute and served as the Chancellor of Waterloo’s St. Paul’s University College from 2017 to 2020. His achievements have been recognized by the Public Policy Forum as a prestigious 2024 Honouree.

Gladu has completed a forestry technician diploma from Sault College, obtained an undergraduate degree in forestry from Northern Arizona University, holds an Executive MBA from Queen’s University and the ICD.D from Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.

Watch JP Gladu’s Convocation Address

Dr. Theresa Tam, BMBS, FRCPC

Portrait of Dr. Theresa TamDr. Theresa Tam will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, at the 3 p.m. ceremony on Monday, June 17, in recognition of a distinguished career in public health, particularly in leading Canada’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Tam was named Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO) in June 2017. As the federal government’s lead public health professional, she provides guidance to help protect Canadians against health threats, advance health equity and promote healthier communities, using the best available data and evidence.

Dr. Tam is a pediatric infectious disease specialist with expertise in immunization, emergency preparedness and global health security. As Canada’s national public health leader, she has played an instrumental role in helping to guide Canada’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rollout of the largest vaccination campaign in Canadian history. She has also played a leadership role in Canada’s response to other public health emergencies, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic influenza H1N1, Ebola disease and mpox.

Dr. Tam has held senior leadership positions at the Public Health Agency of Canada, including as Deputy CPHO and as Assistant Deputy Minister of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control.

During her over 25 years in public health, Dr. Tam has provided technical expertise and leadership to improve surveillance of communicable diseases and opioid harms, enhance immunization programs, strengthen health emergency management and augment laboratory biosafety and biosecurity.

Dr. Tam has a medical degree from the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom. She completed a pediatric residency at the University of Alberta and a fellowship in pediatric infectious diseases at the University of British Columbia. She is a graduate of the Canadian Field Epidemiology Program.

Watch Dr. Theresa Tam’s Convocation Address

David Morley, C.M., LL.D.

Portrait of David MorleyDavid Morley will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, at the 3 p.m. ceremony on Tuesday, June 18, in recognition of a lifetime of humanitarian and international development work and the advancement of children’s rights nationally and globally.

Morley has spent 45 years working for international development and the rights of children. He is an internationally recognized expert on development, humanitarian response and child well-being.

Morley led UNICEF Canada, Save the Children Canada and Médecins sans Frontières Canada. He has written two books, both of which were Canadian bestsellers.

He is co-chair of the Stephen Lewis Foundation and sits on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health, Catalyste+ and the Green Durham Association.  He teaches in the Masters of Global Affairs program at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto.

He is a Member of the Order of Canada and is a recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of British Columbia.

Morley is married to Elizabeth, an internationally recognized early childhood educator.  They have two sons and six grandchildren.

Watch David Morely’s Convocation Address

Mallikarjun Tatipamula, FREng, FRSE, FCAE

Portrait of Mallikarjun TatipamulaMallik Tatipamula will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Engineering, honoris causa, at the noon ceremony on Thursday, June 20, in recognition of sustained contributions and visionary leadership in advancing telecommunication networks from 3G to 5G and beyond in bridging the digital divide.

From the early days of 2G to pioneering future 6G research, his 34-year career exemplifies a commitment to advancing telecom networks and connecting our world.

As the CTO of Ericsson Silicon Valley, Tatipamula leads thought leadership and early 6G research efforts, engaging with industry, academia and government entities. Previously, he held leadership positions at F5 Networks, Juniper Networks, Cisco, Motorola, Nortel, and IIT Madras.

Tatipamula has made significant contributions to advancing telecom networks from 2G to 5G and addressing the societal digital divide. He has played a key role in adapting IP (Internet Protocol) for mobile communication systems to enable today’s mobile internet. He led the integration of IP and optical communications on Cisco’s first terabit routing system, scaling the internet backbone, and spearheaded the transition to software-centric 5G networks for Industry 4.0 applications. His pioneering work has resulted in innovations such as network slicing.

A visiting professor at King’s College London, distinguished visiting professor at IIT Hyderabad, and honorary professor at the University of Glasgow, Tatipamula also serves on several industry and academic advisory boards. He has mentored more than 100 university students to become next-generation leaders and is a frequent guest lecturer at the world’s leading universities.

Tatipamula has co-authored two books, has more than 100 publications and patents, delivered over 500 keynote addresses, and has served on more than 40 IEEE conference committees.

For his outstanding contributions, he has received numerous awards and is an elected fellow of three prestigious national academies.

Watch Mallik Tatipamula’s Convocation Address

Francis L. Graves

Portrait of Frank GravesFrank Graves will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, at the 9 a.m. ceremony on Friday, June 21, in recognition of a distinguished career in public opinion and policy research and outstanding contributions to research-based policy making.

As the Founder and President of EKOS Research Associates Inc., Graves is one of the country’s leading applied social researchers, directing some of the largest and most challenging social research assignments conducted in Canada. For more than three decades, the firm has held a reputation for creative and rigorous research in the areas of public policy, social policy, and program evaluation, and as a leader in innovative survey techniques and methodology.

His analysis and advice has been sought by senior decision makers in both the private and public sectors, including CEOs of top 100 Canadian companies, the Prime Minister’s Office, federal cabinet, the Clerk of the Privy Council, federal Deputy Ministers, the United States Ambassador to Canada, as well as the Canadian Ambassador to the United States.

Graves has been published widely and is a frequent commentator in Canadian and American media. He has directed numerous public opinion research projects on behalf of CBC, Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail and La Presse.

Graves is a Carleton alumnus having completed an honours degree in social anthropology (first class honours) and an MA in sociology. He serves on the advisory board of Carleton’s Sprott School of Business and is an adjunct research professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. He has lectured at the Rotman School of Business, Harvard Kennedy School, University of Ottawa and Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

Graves is a founding Board Member and Fellow of the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC), a Fellow of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI), a Canada Council Doctoral Fellow and Honorary Fellow with the School of Public Policy (University of Calgary).

Watch Frank Grave’s Convocation Address